If you are a fan of Kimchi then you must check out and try this super easy recipe. This is a great way to “"glow up” Kimchi into a very tasty side dish and is also a great way to save overripe Kimchi from having to be thrown away.
Note about kimchi ripeness:
This dish works best if the the kimchi is a little overripe. The sugar syrup is used to counteract the ripeness and if you are using fresh kimchi you'll reduce the measurements down to 1 tbsp. If you are using really overripe kimchi, you'll up the measurements to 3 tbsp.
Kimchi, 2 cups (slightly overripe kimchi)
Oligo Syrup, 2 tbsp (올리고당)
Sesame Oil, 2 tbsps
Olive Oil ~3 tbsp
Heat up a deep pan with olive oil on high heat
Add Kimchi to pan, flatten to get as much heat as possible
Stir fry on high heat for 5 min, stirring and ensuring as much heat is on kimchi as possible
Add in 2 tbps Oligo syrup and Sesame oil. Note, you can do this using just a normal spoon.
Mix and stir fry for another 3-4 minutes, until well cooked.
Place in a container that won't stain (glass) and use cling wrap to seal top before placing lid to minimise smell in fridge.
Tip: flatten the Kimchi down to maximise cooking area.
Note that I'm just using a normal spoon. No need to be super specific. This is more about having a 1:1 ratio for Oligo to Sesame oil.
Near the end, you'll note the cabbage is shrinking a bit, it's getting some char, and the smell is amazing.